Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Remnants 15 - Hiatus

Sorry I forgot to put some kind of greeting in that last post. I had one in Remnants 13, but as you may have read, that went offline recently after it went online. Anyway, I'm back after a random break from writing I decided to take after wracking my brains trying to come up with a decent ingredients post for my short story. Maybe that break helped me with totally ruining my Stanford application, but whatever - I liked it, so if they don't then I still have no regrets in writing it. Today, I feel like writing one of those generic shorts I pretend to hate so much. Thus I present to you "Hiatus".

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She actually did come back. I don't know how long she was gone, who she had been with, or what she was doing, but she was back now, and that's all that matters. She's back now, standing on the porch, looking the same as she did when she said goodbye. Her body is turned slightly to the side; her long, black hair bunched up funny because her head is tilted down as she looks at me out of the corner of those sort of frustrated, sort of sheepish, sort of cute eyes; her neck obscured by the pale pink scarf I had given her so many Christmases ago.

"So...you gonna let me in?" she asks, eyes moving to the snow on the ground for a second.

I stand there for a little bit, then slowly move aside to let her shuffle inside, eyes glaring all the while. She makes sure to call me stupid, like she knows exactly how I'm feeling.

"Aren't you gonna ask where I was? Or do you not even care anymore?"

Yeah, I should probably at least be doing something with my mouth before it falls off from lack of use. All I manage to say is, "No, I ah..."

She scoffs, then plops on the couch like usual, like nothing happened. Her hair trails freely after her before getting caught in her crossing arms.

I'm still standing there with my mouth open as wide as the door. I don't know what to say. It's not that I don't care, because I do. I always cared. But it's just...I didn't think she'd be back. We had been together since high school, so when she left, I thought that she...

Oh jeez, now I'm crying? Yeah, these feel like tears. Now she's walking over here. She probably just wants the door shut because it's freezing outside. That's so like her. Ha, she really is closing it...

"Jeez, I walk all the way here to spare the world from your ridiculous crying, and now you're just laughing. Such an idiot..."

She turns instead of steps, and now she's hugging my waist. Her head turns up to show her own tear-streaked face.

"I'm sorry." she says. And we cry.

1 comment:

  1. this would be an amazing story if you expanded it! :)
