Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Remnants 2 - Why "Remnants from the Blender Lid"

Short answer: Because it sounds random.


Life is a game. In all seriousness. You have to know the best strategies to win - you have come up with them out yourself because no one's going to just tell them to you, but even if someone does, you aren't that person, and you have your own targets to shoot. You have to play the pieces right - you have to figure out who's friend and who's foe, and doing that might involve making mistakes or taking risks. And you have to consider the fact that everyone's doing the same. Such is the blender of life. Everything that goes on in the blender seems chaotic - all you see is a mix of colors that all used to be separate. Because you have to consider everyone else, your true goals and the paths reach those goals get mixed up. You may find yourself sacrificing something to help someone else, but on the other hand, you may end up leaving others in the dust as you boost yourself in order to get something you want. Lots of things that happen you could have never expected, and you may even lose sight of yourself in the hectic nature of life. But sometimes when the blender stops, you open up the lid and find the remnants of your original self, only barely covered up by whatever concoction you have been made into by the world. That's what you'll find on this blog - remnants from the blender lid.


  1. what an awesome insight! i really like the metaphor here. :)

  2. so if you play the game right--with the influence of friends and family, experiences and opportunities (a little lemon, a little parsley...)--you'll wind up with a delicious pesto? but throw in a bad pine nut and life is "ick"?

    i like this very much. :)
