Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Remnants 11 - You have the power to believe

This post is in part a response to Lich Arr's post on states of existence.

Pierce the heavens

Lich Arr, to say that the Coffee Demon and Energizer Bunny levels are unachievable for you is to say that you are not a human being. As I understand it, you did not explicitly say that while you were in Primordial Ooze state, you were not physically transformed into such an ooze - you maintained human form while the capacity of your mind was reduced to that of an ooze. Thus, as a human being (regardless of mental capacity), you have the capacity to reach higher states of existence.

You see, among the abilities granted to us by whatever power differentiated man from beast lies hidden the ability to advance, the ability to become something more. This ability is common to all humans, you included. The difference between you and people who are visibly able to reach Energizer Bunny state - the difference that determines whether the ability to advance manifests itself in you - is directly proportional to the difference in your levels of self-awareness and self-confidence.

You see, also hidden among the abilities granted to us by whatever power differentiated man from beast is the power to believe. Although only within the bounds of reason set forth by our perception of reality as discussed here, we can control this power consciously. Because we all possess this power, and we all are able to control it, we must therefore all be at least partially aware of it. Additionally, as a result of its being tied to our existence as human beings, we are constantly aware of it, despite whatever our state of mind may appear to suggest.

Yes, you, too, have the power to believe. Although in your post you stated that your mind had ceased to function, you still remained aware of the fact that higher states of existence did, in fact, exist. You even went so far as to state that these states were related to clarity of thought and energy from some seemingly unknown source. Yet you said that you were unable to reach these higher states, and this simple fact is self-sustaining - you reject the power to believe in the ability to advance, and thus you do not advance. Because you do not advance, you remain virtually unable to believe due to the cloudiness of your mind while existing in a lower state.

I wrote this post today to bring you an opportunity for advancement, that you may take it and use it to free your mind and accept the power within - the power to believe.


  1. Primordial ooze post was written while in a state of primordial ooze.

    That said, become a motivational speaker.
